a dream that
one day all young people will have the personal support they deserve.
the challenge:
personal support during the first-year transition
Over one million high school students drop out in the U.S. each year. That means that one student drops out in America every 29 seconds, and just 7 of 10 ninth graders today will attain high school diplomas. Ninth grade is the most common time to drop out, as the social and academic pressures of a new environment arise. One-third of all dropouts occur during the ninth grade year.
Over 90 percent of students enter high school believing they will graduate, so why so many dropouts? Even controlling for academic and personal backgrounds, low levels of school engagement are predictive of dropping out. Peer influence is a key impactor of school engagement, and the influence of peers is greatest at times of transition to a new environment. Incoming first-years look to older students for cues about school and how to approach it. When ninth graders are not engaged or do not feel they belong at school, they no longer feel compelled to attend and ultimately do not perform to their potential. And ninth grade outcomes have substantial impact on ability to predict whether or not a student will drop out at some point before graduation day. Ultimately, then, a primary factor of high school student success - personal support from peers - too often remains unaddressed.
Beyond the personal cost, the economic cost of dropping out on society is enormous: each year's class of dropouts will cost the country over $200 billion during their lifetimes in lost earnings and unrealized tax revenue. Further, high school dropouts are far more likely to be incarcerated, jobless, and suffer from health issues.
So, how do we begin to tackle this challenge?
IGNITE's approach
IGNITE empowers the people who are best positioned to increase ninth graders' school engagement and sense of belonging at school - their older peers - to make a change. Its dual mission is to:
1) Increase the sense of belonging and school engagement of first-years, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction with school and lower dropout and retention rates; and
2) Develop impactful leaders among upperclass (tenth, eleventh, twelfth-grade) students.
IGNITE strives to accomplish this through one-on-one peer mentoring. It provides a space in which first-years can safely and comfortably talk with older peers who are similar to them about anything they would like to discuss. Bi-Weekly IGNITE Hangouts each center around a theme related to freshman year. IGNITE Semesterly Field Trips are fun, community-building trips for participants. Below is a sample timeline:
•Late August: Spreading the Word: IGNITE Mentors table and speak at Orientation Week, speak at class assemblies, and table during lunch; Interested students submit IGNITE Matching Survey
•Late August: Matching: IGNITE Administrative Team reviews matching surveys and pairs older students with first-years based on similar interests and predicted compatibility. Mentors are told to reach out to their mentees
•September: Launch: IGNITE Kickoff Hangout for mentor-mentee pairs to meet, exchange information, and begin relationship
•October to April: Programs: Bi-weekly IGNITE Hangouts focused on different topics chosen by the students, and 1-2 IGNITE Field Trips per semester
•April: Closing: End of Year IGNITE Celebratory Retreat
Click on the IGNITE Implementation Booklet and Mentor Training Manual below for more detailed information.